Monday, March 27, 2017

On a Mule, Darkly

Here's a bit of blog housekeeping I should have done long ago. Before I loaded up the Mule here, I was blogging away sporadically at Dark Dimension. While that blog is often beset by me meandering around personal ruminations and book and movie reviews, a substantial number of posts there dealt with Iron Crown Enterprise's late, lamented, and, now, often expensive-to-buy Middle-earth Roleplaying (MERP) sourcebooks. Detailed and well-put-together, with an obvious affection for and knowledge of Tolkien's world, the MERP sourcebooks are easily used for just about any roleplaying game. To see me blather on about them in an often elegiac and stream-of-consciousness way, click on the MERP. You can also find the link to them to the right on the Dark Dimension home page.